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Saturday, June 8, 2019


All Smiles from Our 2018 Conference

A Note from Our Founder

“Thank you for joining us for the inaugural Integrate to Success Conference. Get ready for an amazing day of information, encouragement and networking with other fabulous professional women and working moms.

For years people have come up to me and asked, “Tameika, how do you do it?” I used to shrug off the question and just say, “I don’t know, I just keep pushing”. But a few years ago I realized, if that is something people keep asking me, obviously it is an area that women are struggling with and if I can help, I need to. So I started thinking about how do I do it…… “balance” professional goals and responsibilities with being a wife and mom. I quickly realized that if balance was the goal then I am failing miserably. I don’t balance it. Balance is an unachievable goal. But what I do, and do well is practice work life integration. I practice strategies that help me work smarter and not harder. Strategies that help me recognize that being a wife and mom to a tween, an elementary schooler and a toddler doesn’t mean that I have to sacrifice my career goals.

And that realization is my hope for you and is why I created this conference. For too long society had dictated to women what success looks like. But I am here to tell you, success is different for all of us. I work with dozens of women on an annual basis in my coaching practice. Women who are doctors, lawyers, elected officials, senior executives, entrepreneurs….you name it. And what they all have in common is a desire for more. They can be making a lot of money but want more time with their family. They can have a great home life but feel something is missing and want more professionally”



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